Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust provides help and support to the residents of Sefton who have a drug and alcohol problem. This service is called Ambition Sefton and it offers a wide range of recovery focused treatment pathways. These include:
- Open access: just walk in to self-refer
- Access to community detox
- Specialist prescribing services
- Specialist alcohol services
- Take home naloxone
- Harm reduction advice/service including needle syringe exchange
- Blood borne virus screening and vaccination
- Brief interventions: one to one support
- Access to inpatient detoxification pathways
- Access to Intuitive Thinking courses
- Peer support mentoring and access to mutual aid groups
- Psychosocial support and services
They are here to support you with the issues associated with drug and alcohol misuse.
You can contact their services directly or speak to your GP or health and social care professional who will make a referral on your behalf. They provide a range of responsive drug and alcohol services These include:
- Quick and easy access – service users can walk into either of our treatment sites in Southport or Bootle Drug and alcohol treatment – including specialised prescribing if clinically indicated
- Harm reduction and recovery focused services
- Needle and syringe exchange
- Community detoxification services
- Access to inpatient detoxification pathways
Following successful intervention by Ambition Sefton, if required service users will be referred to appropriate primary and secondary care psychological services to address any underlying mental health problems which may have been masked.
You can contact their services directly or speak to your GP or health and social care professional who will make a referral on your behalf. We understand that reaching out for help is often the most difficult step to take. If you would like help, you can arrange an appointment to discuss this further by:
- asking your GP, practice nurse, other health professional or voluntary sector agency to refer you
- visiting us or asking us a question by contacting one of the phone numbers below
Mersey Care addiction services provide data to Public Health England through the national drug treatment monitoring system. Ambition Sefton staff will provide you with a full explanation of how and what clinical information is used with your full and informed consent.
You can withdraw your consent for this information to be shared at any time during your treatment.
Click here to learn more about Ambition Sefton’s services.
For services in Southport contact:
8 Church Street, Southport, PR9 0QT
Phone: 01704 534 759
For services in Bootle contact:
Sefton House, Canal Street, Bootle, L20 8AH
Phone: 0151 944 5334
For more contact details please click HERE.