Social interaction is very important and we offer many different group activities to suit a variety of interests. Most of the groups we offer are for older people but there are some exceptions such as the community café and the film club. More information about each group can be found below.

Brighter Monday's

Brighter Monday’s is a social activity club for older people aged 50+ who are at risk of loneliness or isolation. The club is designed to reduce social isolation, especially for older people who may not get out as much. Brighter Mondays is a 16 week programme and will cover different activities every week including:

  • Arts and Crafts such as origami, silk painting etc
  • Cookery/healthy eating sessions
  • Quizzes
  • Learning coping skills
  • Day trip out

Previous participants have thoroughly enjoyed the course and it has made a massive difference to them. Participants are encouraged and signposted into other activities once the course has been completed including other activities run by Brighter Living including the lunch club and film club.

Living Well Sefton

Lunch Club

Brighter Living offer a weekly luncheon club to older people (aged 50+), especially those who are isolated or at risk of loneliness. For just £4 you get two courses, i.e. a main meal and a dessert with drinks included. The food we serve is prepared on site and is fresh and homemade! We often have some form of entertainment at the end of the meal too such as quizzes, speakers on various topics and information.

This activity is mainly supported by volunteers who do the cooking and arrange the entertainment. We have a monthly menu produced at the start of each month that we share with our regular customers and we offer variety and classic meals.

Getting Together Lunch Club

Film Club

Open to all, a weekly film club is held at the community centre showing a variety of classics and modern films to suit all types. We do not charge a fee to watch the film but donations towards refreshments are appreciated.

Films start at 2pm prompt but people usually arrive half an hour before to have a chat and a cup of tea. We are always looking for suggestions for films to show so please get in touch if you have any ideas! A monthly schedule of films is produced at the start of each month; please look back here for more information.

Getting Together Film Club

Community Café

On Tuesday mornings we have a vibrant volunteer led community café serving tea/coffee for 50p and bacon sandwiches/cheese on toast for £1. The café gives the local residents the opportunity to meet in a warm and friendly environment without having to break the bank!

The Café has also recently received a grant from Living Well Sefton to improve the furnishings, provide free healthy options, regular newspapers and puzzle books to make the experience even better! Also available during the community café are Games Club and our IT suite of computers for checking your emails and generally improving your IT skills.

Getting Together Community Café

Games Club

The Games Club is open to all members of the community in which people come together to play a variety of games such as dominoes, pool, cards and other board games. We have a large selection of items to choose from! This also runs alongside the Community Café where you can purchase food and drinks at very reasonable rates.

Getting Together Games Club

Men's Club

This group is open to all men from across the local community who wish to take part in a variety of activities such as gardening, physical activity, trips out and wood work amongst others. The group meets every Tuesday between 1pm and 3pm. We are looking for more men to join our growing group and have developed a plan of activities up until the end of 2019 – see the schedule.

Recent activities included a trip to the Liverpool Museum and a trip to Rufford Old Hall. We have enjoyed a presentation of exotic animals from Critters Interactive and a talk on the history of Liverpool. Upcoming activities include a trip to visit Merseyside Recycling Visitor Centre and a trip around Liverpool Docks on the Pride of Sefton. Our schedule is put together with the men. For more information or to arrange a visit please get in touch with Debbie or Matty.

Getting Together Men's Club

Contact us today for more information about 'Getting Together' and the various activities
we have available. We'd love to have a chat!
