The project does this by challenging residents and stakeholders to improve their community’s development, make healthy lifestyles more relevant and accessible (through access to physical activity and better nutrition) and challenge social isolation (through greater involvement in community activities, development and interest groups). The project recently received National Lottery Funding for 5 years to work with the community to achieve these aims. The project does this through consultation with stakeholders (High Park Community Steering group) and residents (High Park Community Action Group/High Park Community Residents Group) and arranging activities around a number of themes. So far this year, the project has arranged an Easter Egg hunt, Family fun days, toddler dance sessions, Summer activities on the park and a lantern making workshop (to name a few) to bring the community together. Through this the project has used local residents as volunteers and consulted with the planning of the projects next steps in order to draw on the existing strengths and resources of the local community. There are many exciting developments to come in the near future so watch this space.
The High Park Project was developed to address health inequalities in the High Park area of Southport; one of the areas of highest deprivation in Sefton.