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Thumbs Up For Candidate Scoring

There is a good chance that candidate scoring is already part of your recruitment process, but if not, it may be worth considering. Scoring candidates against set criteria stops you from relying on gut feeling alone. It removes bias and encourages objective decision making. This not only ensures that you end up with the best candidate for the job, but also means you can easily justify your decision should the need arise. The chances are you have put a lot of thought into your job description and criteria, so by using them as a basis for scoring, you can be sure you have covered all aspects and that the candidate you chose has the right skills and experience and a complimentary personality.

What is candidate scoring?

Whilst it may sound complicated, candidate scoring is simple. It is essentially a way of ranking candidates that allows you to quickly identify those with most potential. Once you have worked out exactly what it is you are looking for, so your essential and desirable criteria, assess each candidate and assign a score for each criterion, say between one and five, depending on whether they don’t meet at all, meet or exceed your expectations. At the end, you will end up with a total score that will indicate how suitable a candidate is, and also how they compare to others.

When to use candidate scoring

Candidate scoring is perhaps most associated with the interview stage and assigning scores based on answers to questions. Having a structure and set questions keeps you focused and the interview on track, whilst the scoring system makes comparisons easy. But, deciding who to interview can be a long drawn out process that requires reading hundreds of applications. Applying scoring early on in the process, however, can change this, saving you time and effort.

e-Talent doesn’t use CVs, and instead utilises an online application form, which includes psychometric and behavioural testing. Candidate’s answers are then scored against your chosen criteria and ranked in the candidate management system (CMS), with the best listed first. This all happens in the early stages, so you don’t even need to review applications from those that don’t meet your essential criteria or do, but score poorly in relation to others. Furthermore, the ranking incorporates all aspects, including personality, not just how good the candidate is at answering interview questions.

To find out more about e-Talent can help your recruitment process, why not get in touch?

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